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Building a strategy

Our objective is to write code that will allow us to do something like

|> filterInvestmentUniverse
|> constructSignals
|> assignPortfolioWeights
|> getPortfolioReturns

Now let's dig in. This is a relatively basic version of a strategy to build intuition with what we're doing. It is simpler than working with real data. But we will next move to real data.

#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.5.0"
open FSharp.Stats

Workflow for using quantitative signals

How do we decide on the position weights for the different securities? An example workflow:

  1. Define your investment universe. Your investment universe is the set of securities that you are considering for investment. An investment universe is typically a subset of securities grouped by some common characteristics: small-capitalization stocks, utility stocks, corporate bonds, firms listed on Euronext, etc.
  2. Get your signal for each security. The signal is some information that you believe can be used to predict returns or risk. It could be a stock tip from a friend, a stock analyst recommendation, something you read on reddit, revenue growth, ...
  3. Define a mapping from signals to portfolio weights.

Let's go through this step by step.

1. Investment universe: modelling a security

We're going to be forming portfolios consisting of weights on different securities. We need a way to identify those securities. Securities can have different identifiers. Stock exchanges use ticker symbols, but CUSIPs are commonly used by other entities (e.g., ratings agencies, regulators, etc.). Some data providers might also use their own custom identifier. For example, Bloomberg has their own "Bloomberg ticker" and CRSP uses PERMNOs. Thus, if we're trying to identify a security we can use tickers OR CUSIPs OR Bloomberg Tickers OR PERMNOs. How do we model this?

A good type for modelling "OR" relationships is a Discriminated Union. The pipe (|) symbol indicates an "or" relationship.

type SecurityId =
    | Ticker of string
    | Cusip of string
    | Bloomberg of string
    | Permno of int

// Defining examples of these ids.
let tickerExample = Ticker "KO"
let permnoExample = Permno 1001

// Deconstructing using pattern matching.
// Think "match what's on the left side of = to what's on the right side"
let (Ticker deconTickerExample) = tickerExample
printfn "%s" deconTickerExample

let (Permno deconPermnoExample) = permnoExample
printfn "%i" deconPermnoExample

// Now we can define our investment universe.
let investmentUniverse =
    [for tick in [ "AAPL"; "KO"; "GOOG";"DIS";"GME"] do 
        Ticker tick ]

2. Signals

let signals =
    [ Ticker "AAPL", 2.0
      Ticker "KO", -1.4
      Ticker "GOOG", 0.4 
      Ticker "DIS", 1.1 ]
    |> Map
signals[Ticker "AAPL"]
Map.find (Ticker "AAPL") signals
Map.tryFind (Ticker "AAPL") signals
Some 2.0
Map.tryFind (Ticker "GME") signals
val it: float option = None

Now a function that gets the signal given a security id.

let getSignal id = Map.tryFind id signals

getSignal (Ticker "AAPL")
getSignal (Ticker "GOOG")

We can call this function on all signals in our investment universe.

// using a loop.
[ for security in investmentUniverse do
    security, getSignal security ]

// same thing with List.map
|> List.map(fun security -> security, getSignal security)

Let's create a type to hold a security identifier and its signal.

type SecuritySignal = 
    { SecurityId : SecurityId
      Signal : float }

Now a function that gets the signal and puts it in the SecuritySignal record type. It's possible that the security signal does not exist, so we'll use an option type to handle the fact that we might find the signal and we might not.

let getSecuritySignal security =
    match Map.tryFind security signals with
    | None -> None
    | Some signal ->
        let result = { SecurityId = security; Signal = signal }
        Some result

Here we can see that we retured something when there was a signal and nothing if there was none.

getSecuritySignal (Ticker "GME")
val it: SecuritySignal option = None
getSecuritySignal (Ticker "GOOG")
val it: SecuritySignal option = Some { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                       Signal = 0.4 }
for security in investmentUniverse do
    let securitySignal = getSecuritySignal security
    printfn $"{securitySignal}"
Some({ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
  Signal = 2.0 })
Some({ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
  Signal = -1.4 })
Some({ SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
  Signal = 0.4 })
Some({ SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
  Signal = 1.1 })

This is equivalent but using a pipeline.

|> List.map getSecuritySignal
|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
Some { SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
       Signal = 2.0 }
Some { SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
       Signal = -1.4 }
Some { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
       Signal = 0.4 }
Some { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
       Signal = 1.1 }

If we do choose instead of map, then we will end up with only the results when there was something.

|> List.choose getSecuritySignal
|> List.iter (printfn "%A") 
{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
  Signal = 2.0 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
  Signal = -1.4 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
  Signal = 0.4 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
  Signal = 1.1 }
let securitySignals = 
    |> List.choose getSecuritySignal

|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
  Signal = 2.0 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
  Signal = -1.4 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
  Signal = 0.4 }
{ SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
  Signal = 1.1 }

3. Defining a mapping between signals and portfolio weights.

Now let's look at turning signals into weights.

Often, you only want stocks with signals above or below a given threshold in a portfolio. For instance, if you have a "value" portfolio you might only want stocks with low price to earnings (P/E) ratios in your portfolio. Or maybe you want to go long value stocks and short growth stocks.

A typical procedure is to assign securities to portfolios based on signals, and then weight securities within those sub portfolios.

First, let's represent portfolios Ids. A first step is to define portfolio IDs. A simple ID is a string name, but often we will do things like create 10 size portfolios infexed from 1 to 10, like ("Size", 1), ("Size", 2), ... We can model this as a discriminated union.

Here, Indexed is a tuple where the first element is a string and the second is an integer. I could just say Indexed of string * int, but I am going to name them to give them meaning. Though the names are optional when constructing and deconstructing

type PortfolioId = 
    | Named of string
    | Indexed of {| Name: string; Index: int |}// name:string * index:int

// Example portfolio IDs
let portfolioId1 = Named "Market"
let portfolioId2 = Indexed {| Name = "Size"; Index = 1 |} 
let portfolioId3 = Indexed {| Name = "Size" ; Index = 2 |}    

let getPortfolioIdString port =
    match port with
    | Named name -> name
    | Indexed p -> $"{p.Name}: {p.Index}"

getPortfolioIdString portfolioId1
getPortfolioIdString portfolioId3
"Size: 2"

Let's assign securities to portolios based on whether their signal is above or below the median.

// Model for an assigned portfolio
type AssignedPortfolio =
    { PortfolioId : PortfolioId 
      Signals : list<SecuritySignal> }

let medianSignal = 
    |> List.map(fun x -> x.Signal)
    |> Seq.median

The median signal is

let aboveMedian =
    |> List.filter(fun x -> x.Signal >= medianSignal)

the above-median securities:

[{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
   Signal = 2.0 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                     Signal = 1.1 }]
let belowMedian =
    |> List.filter(fun x -> x.Signal < medianSignal)

the below-median securities:

[{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
   Signal = -1.4 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                      Signal = 0.4 }]
let assigned =
    [ { PortfolioId = Named("Above Median")
        Signals = aboveMedian }
      { PortfolioId = Named("Below Median")
        Signals = belowMedian} ]

assigned to portfolios:

[{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
   Signals = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                Signal = 2.0 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                  Signal = 1.1 }] };
 { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
   Signals = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                Signal = -1.4 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                   Signal = 0.4 }] }]

Or create a reusable function to do the same thing

let assignAboveBelowMedian securitySignals =
    let medianSignal = 
        |> List.map(fun x -> x.Signal)
        |> Seq.median

    let aboveMedian =
        |> List.filter(fun x -> x.Signal >= medianSignal)

    let belowMedian =
        |> List.filter(fun x -> x.Signal < medianSignal)

    [ { PortfolioId = Named("Above Median")
        Signals = aboveMedian }
      { PortfolioId = Named("Below Median")
        Signals = belowMedian} ]

Modelling a position

Now we have assigned securities to portfolios based on the trading signal. Now we can form weights. We can think of a portfolio as consisting of positions where positions are symbols and weights.

type Position =
    { SecurityId : SecurityId 
      Weight : float }

// Defining example positions

let koPosition = { SecurityId = Ticker "KO"; Weight = 0.25 }
let permnoPosition = { SecurityId = Permno 1001; Weight = 0.75 }

Modelling a portfolio

And once we have multiple positions, then we can group them into a portfolio.

And a portfolio can consist of a Portfolio Id and an List of positions

type Portfolio = 
    { PortfolioId: PortfolioId
      Positions : list<Position> }

An example constructing a portfolio

let portfolioExample1 =
    { PortfolioId = Named "Example 1"
      Positions = [ koPosition; permnoPosition ] }

Defining portfolio position weights

Once you have a portfolio of securities that have met some signal criteria, it is common to weight those securities using either of two simple weighting schemes: equal weight or value weight.

Equal weight means that every security has the same weight.

Value-weight means that you weight securities proportional to their market value. This means that your portfolio put more weight on more valuable securities. Or it "tilts" toward more valuable securities. This weighting scheme is utilized when you want to make sure that you are not putting too much weight on small illiquid securities that are hard to purchase.

Equal-weight is easy:

let weightTestPort = 
    assigned |> List.find (fun x -> x.PortfolioId = Named("Above Median"))

let nSecurities = weightTestPort.Signals.Length

let ewTestWeights =
    [ for signal in weightTestPort.Signals do 
        { SecurityId = signal.SecurityId
          Weight = 1.0 / (float nSecurities) } ]

let giveEqualWeights x =
    let n = x.Signals.Length
    let pos =
        [ for signal in x.Signals do 
            { Position.SecurityId = signal.SecurityId
              Weight = 1.0 / (float n) } ]
    { PortfolioId = x.PortfolioId 
      Positions = pos }

For one portfolio:

giveEqualWeights weightTestPort
val it: Portfolio =
  { PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
    Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                   Weight = 0.5 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                     Weight = 0.5 }] }

For all portfolios:

[ for portfolio in assigned do giveEqualWeights portfolio ]
val it: Portfolio list =
  [{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                    Weight = 0.5 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                      Weight = 0.5 }] };
   { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                    Weight = 0.5 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                      Weight = 0.5 }] }]

or equivalently:

assigned |> List.map giveEqualWeights
val it: Portfolio list =
  [{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                    Weight = 0.5 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                      Weight = 0.5 }] };
   { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                    Weight = 0.5 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                      Weight = 0.5 }] }]

For value weights, we need the securities' market values split into above/below median and for portfolios with those.

let marketCapitalizations =
    [ Ticker "AAPL", 10.0
      Ticker "KO", 4.0
      Ticker "GOOG", 7.0 
      Ticker "DIS", 5.0 ]
    |> Map

let mktCaps =
    [ for signal in weightTestPort.Signals do 
        let mktcap = Map.find signal.SecurityId marketCapitalizations
        signal.SecurityId, mktcap ]
val marketCapitalizations: Map<SecurityId,float> =
    [(Ticker "AAPL", 10.0); (Ticker "DIS", 5.0); (Ticker "GOOG", 7.0);
     (Ticker "KO", 4.0)]
val mktCaps: (SecurityId * float) list =
  [(Ticker "AAPL", 10.0); (Ticker "DIS", 5.0)]
let vwTestWeights =
    let totMktCap = mktCaps |> List.sumBy snd
    [ for (id, mktCap) in mktCaps do 
        { SecurityId = id 
          Weight = mktCap / totMktCap } ]
val vwTestWeights: Position list =
  [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
     Weight = 0.6666666667 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                Weight = 0.3333333333 }]

Now a function to do the same as above.

let giveValueWeights x =
    let mktCaps =
        [ for signal in x.Signals do 
            let mktcap = Map.find signal.SecurityId marketCapitalizations
            signal.SecurityId, mktcap ]
    let totMktCap = mktCaps |> List.sumBy snd
    let pos =
        [ for (id, mktCap) in mktCaps do 
            { SecurityId = id 
              Weight = mktCap / totMktCap } ]
    { PortfolioId = x.PortfolioId; Positions = pos }

We can map our function to both of our assigned portfolios.

[ for x in assigned do giveValueWeights x ]
[{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
   Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                  Weight = 0.6666666667 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                             Weight = 0.3333333333 }] };
 { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
   Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                  Weight = 0.3636363636 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                             Weight = 0.6363636364 }] }]

or equivalently

assigned |> List.map giveValueWeights  
[{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
   Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                  Weight = 0.6666666667 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                             Weight = 0.3333333333 }] };
 { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
   Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                  Weight = 0.3636363636 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                             Weight = 0.6363636364 }] }]

All together now. This is our workflow.

let strategyWeights =
    |> List.choose getSecuritySignal
    |> assignAboveBelowMedian
    |> List.map giveValueWeights
val strategyWeights: Portfolio list =
  [{ PortfolioId = Named "Above Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "AAPL"
                    Weight = 0.6666666667 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "DIS"
                                               Weight = 0.3333333333 }] };
   { PortfolioId = Named "Below Median"
     Positions = [{ SecurityId = Ticker "KO"
                    Weight = 0.3636363636 }; { SecurityId = Ticker "GOOG"
                                               Weight = 0.6363636364 }] }]

How do we calculate returns?

Take these returns:

let returnMap =
    [ Ticker "AAPL", -0.4
      Ticker "KO", -0.1
      Ticker "GOOG", 0.15 
      Ticker "DIS", 0.1 ]
    |> Map

What is the return of the two portfolios?

Hint: the value-weight assignment code is a good reference for figuring out how to look up the stock returns.

Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Stats
type SecurityId = | Ticker of string | Cusip of string | Bloomberg of string | Permno of int
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val tickerExample: SecurityId
union case SecurityId.Ticker: string -> SecurityId
val permnoExample: SecurityId
union case SecurityId.Permno: int -> SecurityId
val deconTickerExample: string
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
val deconPermnoExample: int
val investmentUniverse: SecurityId list
val tick: string
val signals: Map<SecurityId,float>
Multiple items
module Map from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to strore specialised computations on maps </summary>

module Map from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Map<'Key,'Value (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IEnumerable interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface ICollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IDictionary<'Key,'Value> new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value> member Add: key: 'Key * value: 'Value -> Map<'Key,'Value> ...

new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value>
val find: key: 'Key -> table: Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T (requires comparison)
val tryFind: key: 'Key -> table: Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T option (requires comparison)
val getSignal: id: SecurityId -> float option
val id: SecurityId
val security: SecurityId
Multiple items
module List from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure on list </summary>

module List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List = new: unit -> List static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list

type List<'T> = | op_Nil | op_ColonColon of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list interface IReadOnlyList<'T> interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> member GetReverseIndex: rank: int * offset: int -> int member GetSlice: startIndex: int option * endIndex: int option -> 'T list static member Cons: head: 'T * tail: 'T list -> 'T list member Head: 'T member IsEmpty: bool member Item: index: int -> 'T with get ...

new: unit -> List
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
type SecuritySignal = { SecurityId: SecurityId Signal: float }
namespace FSharp.Stats.Signal
Multiple items
val float: value: 'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = System.Double

type float<'Measure> = float
val getSecuritySignal: security: SecurityId -> SecuritySignal option
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val signal: float
val result: SecuritySignal
val securitySignal: SecuritySignal option
val iter: action: ('T -> unit) -> list: 'T list -> unit
val choose: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
val securitySignals: SecuritySignal list
type PortfolioId = | Named of string | Indexed of {| Index: int; Name: string |}
val portfolioId1: PortfolioId
union case PortfolioId.Named: string -> PortfolioId
val portfolioId2: PortfolioId
union case PortfolioId.Indexed: {| Index: int; Name: string |} -> PortfolioId
val portfolioId3: PortfolioId
val getPortfolioIdString: port: PortfolioId -> string
val port: PortfolioId
val name: string
val p: {| Index: int; Name: string |}
anonymous record field Name: string
type AssignedPortfolio = { PortfolioId: PortfolioId Signals: SecuritySignal list }
type 'T list = List<'T>
val medianSignal: float
val x: SecuritySignal
SecuritySignal.Signal: float
Multiple items
module Seq from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure </summary>

module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Seq = new: unit -> Seq static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq

new: unit -> Seq
val median: items: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison and member Zero and member One and member (+) and member (/) and member (/))
<summary> Sample Median </summary>
val aboveMedian: SecuritySignal list
val filter: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list
val belowMedian: SecuritySignal list
val assigned: AssignedPortfolio list
val assignAboveBelowMedian: securitySignals: SecuritySignal list -> AssignedPortfolio list
type Position = { SecurityId: SecurityId Weight: float }
val koPosition: Position
val permnoPosition: Position
type Portfolio = { PortfolioId: PortfolioId Positions: Position list }
val portfolioExample1: Portfolio
val weightTestPort: AssignedPortfolio
val find: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> list: 'T list -> 'T
val x: AssignedPortfolio
AssignedPortfolio.PortfolioId: PortfolioId
val nSecurities: int
AssignedPortfolio.Signals: SecuritySignal list
property List.Length: int with get
val ewTestWeights: Position list
val signal: SecuritySignal
SecuritySignal.SecurityId: SecurityId
val giveEqualWeights: x: AssignedPortfolio -> Portfolio
val n: int
val pos: Position list
val portfolio: AssignedPortfolio
val marketCapitalizations: Map<SecurityId,float>
val mktCaps: (SecurityId * float) list
val mktcap: float
val vwTestWeights: Position list
val totMktCap: float
val sumBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U (requires member (+) and member Zero)
val snd: tuple: ('T1 * 'T2) -> 'T2
val mktCap: float
val giveValueWeights: x: AssignedPortfolio -> Portfolio
val strategyWeights: Portfolio list
val returnMap: Map<SecurityId,float>

Type something to start searching.