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This is an assignment. You should work in groups. Please write your group and group member names above. You will find sections labeled Task asking you to do each piece of analysis. Please make sure that you complete all of these tasks. I included some tests to help you see if you are calculating the solution correctly, but if you cannot get the test to pass submit your best attempt and you may recieve partial credit.

All work that you submit should be your own. Make use of the course resources and example code on the course website. It should be possible to complete all the requested tasks using information given below or somewhere on the course website.

Load libraries.

#r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 5.0.2"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.5.0"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 3.*"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 3.*"
#r "nuget: MathNet.Numerics"
#r "nuget: MathNet.Numerics.FSharp"

open System
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Stats
open Plotly.NET
open MathNet.Numerics.Statistics

First, make sure that you're referencing the correct files.

You're going to write code to explore an investment signal. The investment signals can be downloaded from moodle. You are free to use whichever signal you want. It does not have to be the signal that you are using for your final project.

Here I'm assuming that you have a class folder with this signal-exploration.ipynb notebook and a data folder inside of it. The folder hierarchy would look like below where you have the below files and folders accessible:


First, make sure that our working directory is the source file directory.

let [<Literal>] ResolutionFolder = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
Environment.CurrentDirectory <- ResolutionFolder

We assume the id_and_return_data.csv file and the signal csv file are in the data folder. In this example the signal file is zero_trades_252d.csv. You should replace that file name with your signal file name.

let [<Literal>] IdAndReturnsFilePath = "id_and_return_data.csv"
let [<Literal>] MySignalFilePath = "zero_trades_252d.csv"

Input data

First, let's verify that the csv file exists where we think it will be.

if IO.File.Exists(ResolutionFolder + "/" + IdAndReturnsFilePath) &&
   IO.File.Exists(ResolutionFolder + "/" + MySignalFilePath) then 
    printfn "Success!!"
    let filesThere = IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(
        searchPattern = "*",
    printfn "We did not find the files. Here are the files in your source directory.\n"
    filesThere |> Seq.iteri (printfn "%i. %A")

Assuming that you got "Success!!" above this code below will work.

If my paths are correct, then this code should read the first few lines of the files. If it doesn't show the first few lines, fix the above file paths.

IO.File.ReadLines(IdAndReturnsFilePath) |> Seq.truncate 5
IO.File.ReadLines(MySignalFilePath) |> Seq.truncate 5

Assuming the paths are defined correctly and you saw the first 5 rows above, we can now read the data using the CSV provider that parses the fields in the file.

First define the Csv types from the sample files:

type IdAndReturnsType = 

type MySignalType = 

Now read in the data.

let idAndReturnsCsv = IdAndReturnsType.GetSample()

let mySignalCsv = MySignalType.GetSample()

Columns in the idAndReturnsCsv are:


Columns in the mySignalCsv are:


There are a lot of columns in the id and returns csv. You can look at the data documentation to figure out what they are.

Put the rows into a list (we're more familiar with lists).

let idAndReturnsRows = idAndReturnsCsv.Rows |> Seq.toList
let mySignalRows = mySignalCsv.Rows |> Seq.toList

Distribution of unique stocks in the id and returns data

To get you started, I will walk you through some simple analysis of the id and returns data.

Count the total number of stocks.

First, look at a few ids

|> List.map (fun row -> row.Id)
|> List.truncate 5

Now count all of them.

|> List.map (fun row -> row.Id)
|> List.distinct
|> List.length

Number of stocks each month.

First look at the date column

|> List.map (fun row -> row.Eom)
|> List.truncate 5

Group by month, then count per month.

let idAndReturnStocksPerMonth =
    let byMonth =
        |> List.groupBy (fun row -> row.Eom)
        |> List.sortBy (fun (month, rows) -> month)
    [ for (month, rows) in byMonth do
        let nStocks = 
            |> List.map (fun row -> row.Id)
            |> List.distinct
            |> List.length
        month, nStocks ]

Look at a first few months.

|> List.sortBy (fun (month, nStocks) -> month) 
|> List.truncate 5

Look at the last few.

|> List.sortByDescending (fun (month, nStocks) -> month)
|> List.truncate 5

Create a column chart showing the number of stocks per month (Plotly.net column chart docs).

|> Chart.Column

Add some lables to the axes (Plotly.net axis styling docs).

|> List.sortBy (fun (month, nStocks) -> month)
|> Chart.Column
|> Chart.withXAxisStyle (TitleText="Month")
|> Chart.withYAxisStyle (TitleText="Number of Stocks")

We have some different size groups already assigned in the data:

|> List.countBy (fun row -> row.SizeGrp)

Let's make a plot with separate bars for each group in 2015. You can read more about multiple charts in the Plotly.net docs.

We'll write a function. We need to give a type hint so that it knows the type of the input data. If we didn't include the type hint, we'd get an error saying 'Lookup of indeterminate type ..' because it doesn't know the data type of the 'rows' input. The type hint the : list<IdAndReturnsType.Row> part of the function definition. This is saying we have a list of rows from the CsvProvider type that we defined earlier for this csv file data.

let countIdAndReturnsRows (rows: list<IdAndReturnsType.Row>) =
    let byMonth =
        |> List.groupBy (fun row -> row.Eom)
        |> List.sortBy (fun (month, rows) -> month)
    [ for (month, rows) in byMonth do
        let nStocks = 
            |> List.map (fun row -> row.Id)
            |> List.distinct
            |> List.length
        month, nStocks ]

Look at the function output. It is a list of tuples where each tuple is a pair of month (DateTime) and the count (int).

|> countIdAndReturnsRows
|> List.truncate 3

Just for large caps.

let stockCountsLarge =
    let toPlot = 
        |> List.filter (fun row -> 
            row.SizeGrp = "large" && 
            row.Eom.Year = 2015)
        |> countIdAndReturnsRows
    Chart.Column(toPlot, Name = "Large caps")


Just for small caps.

let stockCountsSmall =
    let toPlot = 
        |> List.filter (fun row -> 
            row.SizeGrp = "small" &&
            row.Eom.Year = 2015)
        |> countIdAndReturnsRows
    Chart.Column(toPlot, Name = "Small caps")



[ stockCountsLarge; stockCountsSmall ]
|> Chart.combine

Now all groups

let stockCountsAllSizes =
    |> List.filter (fun row -> row.Eom.Year = 2015)
    |> List.groupBy (fun row -> row.SizeGrp)
    |> List.map (fun (sizeGrp, rows) -> 
        let toPlot = countIdAndReturnsRows rows
        sizeGrp, toPlot)

// first few observations of all size Groups
|> List.map (fun (sizeGroup, xs) ->
    sizeGroup, xs |> List.truncate 3)

A combined chart.

|> List.map (fun (sizeGrp, toPlot) -> 
    Chart.Column(toPlot, Name = sizeGrp))
|> Chart.combine

(** Same, but stacking each chart on top of eachother. *)   

|> List.map (fun (sizeGrp, toPlot) -> 
    Chart.Column(toPlot, Name = sizeGrp))
|> Chart.SingleStack()

You should now have some a good idea of how to work with this data.

Distribution of unique stocks in the your signal data

Do similar analysis as above, but for the your signal data.

Task: Complete this function. It takes a list of MySignalType.Row as input and should return a list of the month and the integer count of unique stock ids that month (list<DateTime * int>).

// solution here
let countMySignalRows (rows: list<MySignalType.Row>) =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Create a column chart showing the number of stocks per month in your signal data csv file.

// solution here

You may have some stocks with missing data. If you have some stocks with missing signal data, the below code will return the first 3 observations. If you do not have missing data it will return an empty list.

|> List.choose (fun row -> 
    // Choose the rows where row.Signal is None.
    match row.Signal with
    | None -> Some row
    | Some signal -> None )
|> List.truncate 3

We can create a list that only contains stocks with non-missing signals. We define a record type to hold this data. The main change is making signal have float type instead of Option<float> because we're removing missing data.

type NonMissingSignal =
        Id: string
        Eom: DateTime
        Signal: float

let myNonMissingSignals =
    |> List.choose (fun row -> 
        match row.Signal with
        | None -> None
        | Some signal -> 
            Some { Id = row.Id; Eom = row.Eom; Signal = signal })

Task: Complete this function. It takes a list of NonMissingSignal records as input and should return a list of the month and the integer count of unique stock ids that month (list<DateTime * int>).

// solution here
let countMyNonMissingSignalRows (rows: list<NonMissingSignal>) =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Create a column chart showing the number of stocks per month in your signal data that do not have missing signals.

// solution here

Distribution of the signal

Task: Compute the minimum, maximum, median, standard deviation, and average of the non-missing signals in your dataset.

// solution here.

It can also be useful to compute percentiles of the signal. You can calculate percentils using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics quantile function.

// 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles
let pctlExamples = [0.1; 0.5; 0.9]

// you must have an array of values
let pctlExamplesData = 
    [ 10.0; -20.0; 0.1; -5.0; 7.0; 4.0]
    |> List.toArray 

Compute the percentiles.

let pctlExamplesComputed =    
    [ for pctl in pctlExamples do
        Statistics.quantileFunc pctlExamplesData pctl ]

Task: Compute the 1st, 10th, 50th, 90th, and 99th percentiles of the non-missing signals in your dataset. Once these percentiles are calculated them, assign the signals to the values below. Explain what you learn about the distribution. Is it uniformly distributed, a skewed distribution, are there outliers, etc.?

// solution here

let signalP01: float = failwith "I am not implemented yet"
let signalP10: float = failwith "I am not implemented yet"
let signalP50: float = failwith "I am not implemented yet"
let signalP90: float = failwith "I am not implemented yet"
let signalP99: float = failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Create a histogram showing the distribution of the signal for all stocks in your dataset that have non-missing signals. Limit the data to 2015 to make it easier to plot. Explain what you learn about the distribution. Is it uniformly distributed, are there outliers, etc. How do you see this in the plot, and is there anything new that you learned relative to the percentiles?

// solution here.

Winsorizing is a technique to remove the influence of outliers from a dataset. Let's create a winsorized version of your data.

Assuming that you have defined the percentile above correctly, this will create a winsorized version of your signal dataset. It is winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles.

let winsorizeSignals (signalOb: NonMissingSignal) =
    let newSignal =
        if signalOb.Signal < signalP01 then 
        elif signalOb.Signal > signalP99 then
    // copy and update the observation with the
    // winsorized signal.
    { signalOb with Signal = newSignal }

Test on a random signal

winsorizeSignals myNonMissingSignals[99]

do for all

let myWinsorizedSignals =
    |> List.map winsorizeSignals

Task: Create a histogram showing the distribution of the winsorized signals for all stocks in your dataset. Limit the data to 2015 to make it easier to plot. Explain what you learn about the distribution. Is it uniformly distributed, are there outliers, etc. How do you see this in the plot, and is there anything new that you learned relative to the percentiles and non-winsorized histogram?

// solution here.

Task: Create a map collection called byStockMonthIdAndReturnMap where the key is a tuple of stock id as string and month as DateTime (string * DateTime) and the value is an IdAndReturnsType.Row.

Note: I have added a type constraint of : Map<(string * DateTime), IdAndReturnsType.Row> to make sure that the type of the map is correct. If you fill in code below, you will get a type mismatch error until your code is correct. You don't generally need these type constraints, but I am putting it here to make the compiler check that you produce the output that I am asking for.

Hint: we did things like this in the momentum signal lecture. There's also a practice quiz on map collections.

// solution here
let byStockMonthIdAndReturnMap: Map<string * DateTime, IdAndReturnsType.Row> =
    // fill in code here
    failwith "you haven't created your map collection."

Task: Create a histogram showing the distribution of the winsorized signals for only small-cap stocks in your dataset. Limit the data to 2015 to make it easier to plot.

Hint: if you have a stock and it's signal in a particular month, the byStockMonthIdAndReturnMap is useful for looking up thinks about the stock that month.)

// solution here

Task: Create a histogram showing the distribution of the winsorized signals for only large-cap stocks in your dataset. Limit the data to 2015 to make it easier to plot.

// solution here

Task: Compare and contrast the histograms for the small-cap and large-cap stocks. Are there any differences? If we wanted to sort stocks based on the signal, do you think that we would end up with stocks that have different average sizes in the low and high signal portfolios?

Towards portfolios.

Task: Using your winsorized list of signals, group your stocks by month. Assign this result to a value named byStockMonthSignals that is a list of DateTime * list<NonMissingSignal> tuples. The first thing in the tuple is the month and the second thing is a list of NonMissingSignal records for all stocks in that month.

// solution here
let byStockMonthSignals: list<DateTime * list<NonMissingSignal>> =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Now assuming byStockMonthSignals is correct, we'll sort the stocks each month from smallest to largest based on the signal that month. Then split the stocks into 3 equal-sized portfolios (aka terciles) based on the sorted signal. We'll create a SortedPort record for each portfolio and assign the list to a value named terciles.

type SortedPort =
    { Portfolio: int
      Eom: DateTime
      Stocks: list<NonMissingSignal> }

let terciles =
    |> List.collect (fun (eom, signals) ->
        let sortedSignals =
            |> List.sortBy (fun signalOb -> signalOb.Signal)
            |> List.splitInto 3
        |> List.mapi (fun i p -> 
            { Portfolio = i + 1
              Eom = eom
              Stocks = p }))

look at the first portfolio


look at the last portfolio

terciles |> List.last

Task: Using terciles, compute the average signal in each tercile portfolio each month. Plot a combined (Chart.combine) line chart (Chart.line) showing the average signal for each tercile portfolio from the start to the end of the sample. What do you learn? Is the average signal in each tercile constant throughout the sample, or does it vary over time?

Task: Using byStockMonthSignals, sort the stocks each month from smallest to largest based on the signal that month. Then split the stocks into 5 equal-sized portfolios (aka quintiles) based on the sorted signal. Create a SortedPort record for each portfolio and assign the list to a value named quintiles.

// solution here
let quintiles: list<SortedPort> =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Filter quintiles to the quintile portfolio of stocks each month that has the lowest signal value. This should be stocks where SortedPort.Portfolio = 1. Assign the filtered list to a value named bottomQuintile.

// solution here
let bottomQuintile: list<SortedPort> =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Create a list named bottomQuintileReturn that contains the return of the bottom quintile portfolio each month. The portfolio return for a given month should be calculated using equal weights on every stock in the portfolio that month. The result should be given as a list of SortedPortfolioReturn records. Additionally, the month of the return should be lagged one month relative to the portfolio formation month. That means that if you formed a portfolio based on a signal known as of the end of February 2022 (Eom = DateTime(2022,02,28)), the portfolio return during the first month that you hold it will be calculated using stock returns during March 2022 (MonthOfReturn = DateTime(2022,03,31)).

Quick example getting end of month addition:

let endOfFebruary = DateTime(2022,02,28)

let addOneEom (eom: DateTime) =
    DateTime(eom.Year, eom.Month, 1).AddMonths(2).AddDays(-1.0)

addOneEom endOfFebruary

That will give you the end of March. So in summary, if the signal that you use to form portfolios comes from February 2022 (signal EOM = DateTime(2022,2,28)), make sure that you get returns from March 2022 (return EOM = DateTime(2022,3,31)).

type SortedPortfolioReturn =
        Portfolio: int
        MonthOfReturn: DateTime
        AvgReturn: float

let bottomQuintileReturn: list<SortedPortfolioReturn> =
    failwith "I am not implemented yet"

Task: Plot a line chart of the cumulative return of the bottom quintile portfolio during the sample. For reference you will find the plotting returns section of the momentum class lecture useful. It provides an example of calculating a portfolio's cumulative returns using List.scan.

namespace System
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace FSharp.Stats
namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
namespace MathNet
namespace MathNet.Numerics
namespace MathNet.Numerics.Statistics
Multiple items
type LiteralAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> LiteralAttribute

new: unit -> LiteralAttribute
[<Literal>] val ResolutionFolder: string = "D:\a\Teaching\Teaching\docs\assignments"
type Environment = static member Exit: exitCode: int -> unit static member ExpandEnvironmentVariables: name: string -> string static member FailFast: message: string -> unit + 1 overload static member GetCommandLineArgs: unit -> string array static member GetEnvironmentVariable: variable: string -> string + 1 overload static member GetEnvironmentVariables: unit -> IDictionary + 1 overload static member GetFolderPath: folder: SpecialFolder -> string + 1 overload static member GetLogicalDrives: unit -> string array static member SetEnvironmentVariable: variable: string * value: string -> unit + 1 overload static member CommandLine: string ...
<summary>Provides information about, and means to manipulate, the current environment and platform. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
property Environment.CurrentDirectory: string with get, set
<summary>Gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory.</summary>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Attempted to set to an empty string ("").</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Attempted to set to <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">An I/O error occurred.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">Attempted to set a local path that cannot be found.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The caller does not have the appropriate permission.</exception>
<returns>The directory path.</returns>
[<Literal>] val IdAndReturnsFilePath: string = "id_and_return_data.csv"
[<Literal>] val MySignalFilePath: string = "zero_trades_252d.csv"
namespace System.IO
type File = static member AppendAllLines: path: string * contents: IEnumerable<string> -> unit + 1 overload static member AppendAllLinesAsync: path: string * contents: IEnumerable<string> * encoding: Encoding * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> Task + 1 overload static member AppendAllText: path: string * contents: string -> unit + 1 overload static member AppendAllTextAsync: path: string * contents: string * encoding: Encoding * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> Task + 1 overload static member AppendText: path: string -> StreamWriter static member Copy: sourceFileName: string * destFileName: string -> unit + 1 overload static member Create: path: string -> FileStream + 2 overloads static member CreateSymbolicLink: path: string * pathToTarget: string -> FileSystemInfo static member CreateText: path: string -> StreamWriter static member Decrypt: path: string -> unit ...
<summary>Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of a single file, and aids in the creation of <see cref="T:System.IO.FileStream" /> objects.</summary>
IO.File.Exists(path: string) : bool
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
val filesThere: Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
type Directory = static member CreateDirectory: path: string -> DirectoryInfo + 1 overload static member CreateSymbolicLink: path: string * pathToTarget: string -> FileSystemInfo static member CreateTempSubdirectory: ?prefix: string -> DirectoryInfo static member Delete: path: string -> unit + 1 overload static member EnumerateDirectories: path: string -> IEnumerable<string> + 3 overloads static member EnumerateFileSystemEntries: path: string -> IEnumerable<string> + 3 overloads static member EnumerateFiles: path: string -> IEnumerable<string> + 3 overloads static member Exists: path: string -> bool static member GetCreationTime: path: string -> DateTime static member GetCreationTimeUtc: path: string -> DateTime ...
<summary>Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(path: string) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(path: string, searchPattern: string) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(path: string, searchPattern: string, searchOption: IO.SearchOption) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(path: string, searchPattern: string, enumerationOptions: IO.EnumerationOptions) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
[<Struct>] type SearchOption = | TopDirectoryOnly = 0 | AllDirectories = 1
<summary>Specifies whether to search the current directory, or the current directory and all subdirectories.</summary>
field IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories: IO.SearchOption = 1
<summary>Includes the current directory and all its subdirectories in a search operation. This option includes reparse points such as mounted drives and symbolic links in the search.</summary>
Multiple items
module Seq from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure </summary>

module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Seq = new: unit -> Seq static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq

new: unit -> Seq
val iteri: action: (int -> 'T -> unit) -> source: 'T seq -> unit
IO.File.ReadLines(path: string) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
IO.File.ReadLines(path: string, encoding: Text.Encoding) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
val truncate: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
type IdAndReturnsType = CsvProvider<...>
type CsvProvider
<summary>Typed representation of a CSV file.</summary> <param name='Sample'>Location of a CSV sample file or a string containing a sample CSV document.</param> <param name='Separators'>Column delimiter(s). Defaults to <c>,</c>.</param> <param name='InferRows'>Number of rows to use for inference. Defaults to <c>1000</c>. If this is zero, all rows are used.</param> <param name='Schema'>Optional column types, in a comma separated list. Valid types are <c>int</c>, <c>int64</c>, <c>bool</c>, <c>float</c>, <c>decimal</c>, <c>date</c>, <c>datetimeoffset</c>, <c>timespan</c>, <c>guid</c>, <c>string</c>, <c>int?</c>, <c>int64?</c>, <c>bool?</c>, <c>float?</c>, <c>decimal?</c>, <c>date?</c>, <c>datetimeoffset?</c>, <c>timespan?</c>, <c>guid?</c>, <c>int option</c>, <c>int64 option</c>, <c>bool option</c>, <c>float option</c>, <c>decimal option</c>, <c>date option</c>, <c>datetimeoffset option</c>, <c>timespan option</c>, <c>guid option</c> and <c>string option</c>. You can also specify a unit and the name of the column like this: <c>Name (type&lt;unit&gt;)</c>, or you can override only the name. If you don't want to specify all the columns, you can reference the columns by name like this: <c>ColumnName=type</c>.</param> <param name='HasHeaders'>Whether the sample contains the names of the columns as its first line.</param> <param name='IgnoreErrors'>Whether to ignore rows that have the wrong number of columns or which can't be parsed using the inferred or specified schema. Otherwise an exception is thrown when these rows are encountered.</param> <param name='SkipRows'>Skips the first n rows of the CSV file.</param> <param name='AssumeMissingValues'>When set to true, the type provider will assume all columns can have missing values, even if in the provided sample all values are present. Defaults to false.</param> <param name='PreferOptionals'>When set to true, inference will prefer to use the option type instead of nullable types, <c>double.NaN</c> or <c>""</c> for missing values. Defaults to false.</param> <param name='Quote'>The quotation mark (for surrounding values containing the delimiter). Defaults to <c>"</c>.</param> <param name='MissingValues'>The set of strings recognized as missing values specified as a comma-separated string (e.g., "NA,N/A"). Defaults to <c>NaN,NA,N/A,#N/A,:,-,TBA,TBD</c>.</param> <param name='CacheRows'>Whether the rows should be caches so they can be iterated multiple times. Defaults to true. Disable for large datasets.</param> <param name='Culture'>The culture used for parsing numbers and dates. Defaults to the invariant culture.</param> <param name='Encoding'>The encoding used to read the sample. You can specify either the character set name or the codepage number. Defaults to UTF8 for files, and to ISO-8859-1 the for HTTP requests, unless <c>charset</c> is specified in the <c>Content-Type</c> response header.</param> <param name='ResolutionFolder'>A directory that is used when resolving relative file references (at design time and in hosted execution).</param> <param name='EmbeddedResource'>When specified, the type provider first attempts to load the sample from the specified resource (e.g. 'MyCompany.MyAssembly, resource_name.csv'). This is useful when exposing types generated by the type provider.</param>
type MySignalType = CsvProvider<...>
val idAndReturnsCsv: CsvProvider<...>
CsvProvider<...>.GetSample() : CsvProvider<...>
val mySignalCsv: CsvProvider<...>
property Runtime.CsvFile.Headers: string array option with get
<summary> The names of the columns </summary>
val idAndReturnsRows: CsvProvider<...>.Row list
property Runtime.CsvFile.Rows: CsvProvider<...>.Row seq with get
<summary> The rows with data </summary>
val toList: source: 'T seq -> 'T list
val mySignalRows: CsvProvider<...>.Row list
Multiple items
module List from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure on list </summary>

module List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List = new: unit -> List static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list

type List<'T> = | op_Nil | op_ColonColon of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list interface IReadOnlyList<'T> interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> member GetReverseIndex: rank: int * offset: int -> int member GetSlice: startIndex: int option * endIndex: int option -> 'T list static member Cons: head: 'T * tail: 'T list -> 'T list member Head: 'T member IsEmpty: bool member Item: index: int -> 'T with get ...

new: unit -> List
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
val row: CsvProvider<...>.Row
val truncate: count: int -> list: 'T list -> 'T list
val distinct: list: 'T list -> 'T list (requires equality)
val length: list: 'T list -> int
val idAndReturnStocksPerMonth: (IComparable * int) list
val byMonth: (IComparable * CsvProvider<...>.Row list) list
val groupBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> ('Key * 'T list) list (requires equality)
val sortBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list (requires comparison)
val month: IComparable
val rows: CsvProvider<...>.Row list
val nStocks: int
val sortByDescending: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list (requires comparison)
type Chart = static member AnnotatedHeatmap: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * annotationText: #(string seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a5 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a5 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Area: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Bar: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member BoxPlot: [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxPoints: BoxPoints * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxMean: BoxMean * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Jitter: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?PointPos: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Outline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Notched: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NotchWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?QuartileMethod: QuartileMethod * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Bubble: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * sizes: int seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Candlestick: ``open`` : #IConvertible seq * high: #IConvertible seq * low: #IConvertible seq * close: #IConvertible seq * x: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a5 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a5 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?IncreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Increasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DecreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Decreasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Column: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Contour: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineSmoothing: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLine: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursColoring: ContourColoring * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursOperation: ConstraintOperation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursType: ContourType * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowContourLabels: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLabelFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Contours: Contours * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NContours: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) static member Funnel: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Offset: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextInfo: TextInfo * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineStyle: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorFillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLine: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Connector: FunnelConnector * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?InsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) static member Heatmap: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload ...
static member Chart.Column: keysValues: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: StyleParam.PatternShape * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: StyleParam.PatternShape seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: TraceObjects.Pattern * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Column: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: StyleParam.PatternShape * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: StyleParam.PatternShape seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: TraceObjects.Pattern * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.withXAxisStyle: [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleText: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleFont: Font * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleStandoff: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Title: Title * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Color: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowSpikes: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeThickness: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowGrid: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GridColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Side: StyleParam.Side * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Domain: (float * float) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Position: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryArray: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BackgroundColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowBackground: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withYAxisStyle: [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleText: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleFont: Font * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleStandoff: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Title: Title * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Color: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowSpikes: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeThickness: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowGrid: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GridColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Side: StyleParam.Side * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Domain: (float * float) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Position: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryArray: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BackgroundColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowBackground: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
val countBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> ('Key * int) list (requires equality)
val countIdAndReturnsRows: rows: CsvProvider<...>.Row list -> ('a * int) list (requires comparison)
type 'T list = List<'T>
type Row = inherit string new: idAndReturnDataCsv: string -> Row member ``Id_and_return_data.csv`` : string
val byMonth: ('a * CsvProvider<...>.Row list) list (requires comparison)
val month: 'a (requires comparison)
val stockCountsLarge: GenericChart.GenericChart
val toPlot: (IComparable * int) list
val filter: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list
val stockCountsSmall: GenericChart.GenericChart
val toPlot: ('a * int) list (requires comparison and 'a :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.combine: gCharts: GenericChart.GenericChart seq -> GenericChart.GenericChart
val stockCountsAllSizes: (string * ('a * int) list) list (requires comparison and 'a :> IConvertible)
val sizeGrp: string
val sizeGroup: string
val xs: ('a * int) list (requires comparison and 'a :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.SingleStack: [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SubPlots: (StyleParam.LinearAxisId * StyleParam.LinearAxisId) array array * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XAxes: StyleParam.LinearAxisId array * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YAxes: StyleParam.LinearAxisId array * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RowOrder: StyleParam.LayoutGridRowOrder * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Pattern: StyleParam.LayoutGridPattern * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Domain: LayoutObjects.Domain * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XSide: StyleParam.LayoutGridXSide * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YSide: StyleParam.LayoutGridYSide -> (#(GenericChart.GenericChart seq) -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
val countMySignalRows: rows: CsvProvider<...>.Row list -> 'a
type Row = inherit string new: zeroTrades252dCsv: string -> Row member ``Zero_trades_252d.csv`` : string
val failwith: message: string -> 'T
val choose: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val signal: 'a
type NonMissingSignal = { Id: string Eom: DateTime Signal: float }
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = String
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type DateTime = new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> unit + 16 overloads member Add: value: TimeSpan -> DateTime member AddDays: value: float -> DateTime member AddHours: value: float -> DateTime member AddMicroseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMilliseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMinutes: value: float -> DateTime member AddMonths: months: int -> DateTime member AddSeconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddTicks: value: int64 -> DateTime ...
<summary>Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.</summary>

DateTime ()
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
namespace FSharp.Stats.Signal
Multiple items
val float: value: 'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = Double

type float<'Measure> = float
val myNonMissingSignals: NonMissingSignal list
val signal: float
val countMyNonMissingSignalRows: rows: NonMissingSignal list -> 'a
val rows: NonMissingSignal list
val pctlExamples: float list
val pctlExamplesData: float array
val toArray: list: 'T list -> 'T array
val pctlExamplesComputed: float list
val pctl: float
type Statistics = static member Covariance: samples1: IEnumerable<float> * samples2: IEnumerable<float> -> float + 2 overloads static member EmpiricalCDF: data: IEnumerable<float> * x: float -> float + 2 overloads static member EmpiricalCDFFunc: data: IEnumerable<float> -> Func<float,float> + 2 overloads static member EmpiricalInvCDF: data: IEnumerable<float> * tau: float -> float + 2 overloads static member EmpiricalInvCDFFunc: data: IEnumerable<float> -> Func<float,float> + 2 overloads static member Entropy: data: IEnumerable<float> -> float + 1 overload static member FiveNumberSummary: data: IEnumerable<float> -> float array + 2 overloads static member GeometricMean: data: IEnumerable<float> -> float + 1 overload static member HarmonicMean: data: IEnumerable<float> -> float + 1 overload static member InterquartileRange: data: IEnumerable<float> -> float + 2 overloads ...
<summary> Extension methods to return basic statistics on set of data. </summary>
val quantileFunc: data: float seq -> (float -> float)
val signalP01: float
val signalP10: float
val signalP50: float
val signalP90: float
val signalP99: float
val winsorizeSignals: signalOb: NonMissingSignal -> NonMissingSignal
val signalOb: NonMissingSignal
val newSignal: float
NonMissingSignal.Signal: float
val myWinsorizedSignals: NonMissingSignal list
val byStockMonthIdAndReturnMap: Map<(string * DateTime),CsvProvider<...>.Row>
Multiple items
module Map from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to strore specialised computations on maps </summary>

module Map from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Map<'Key,'Value (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IEnumerable interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface ICollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IDictionary<'Key,'Value> new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value> member Add: key: 'Key * value: 'Value -> Map<'Key,'Value> ...

new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value>
val byStockMonthSignals: (DateTime * NonMissingSignal list) list
type SortedPort = { Portfolio: int Eom: DateTime Stocks: NonMissingSignal list }
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val terciles: SortedPort list
val collect: mapping: ('T -> 'U list) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
val eom: DateTime
val signals: NonMissingSignal list
val sortedSignals: NonMissingSignal list list
val splitInto: count: int -> list: 'T list -> 'T list list
val mapi: mapping: (int -> 'T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
val i: int
val p: NonMissingSignal list
val last: list: 'T list -> 'T
val quintiles: SortedPort list
val bottomQuintile: SortedPort list
val endOfFebruary: DateTime
val addOneEom: eom: DateTime -> DateTime
property DateTime.Year: int with get
<summary>Gets the year component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
<returns>The year, between 1 and 9999.</returns>
property DateTime.Month: int with get
<summary>Gets the month component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
<returns>The month component, expressed as a value between 1 and 12.</returns>
type SortedPortfolioReturn = { Portfolio: int MonthOfReturn: DateTime AvgReturn: float }
val bottomQuintileReturn: SortedPortfolioReturn list

Type something to start searching.