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This is an assignment. You may work in groups. Please write your group and group member names above. You will find sections labeled Task asking you to do each piece of analysis. Please make sure that you complete all of these tasks. I included some tests to help you see if you are calculating the solution correctly, but if you cannot get the test to pass submit your best attempt and you may recieve partial credit.

All work that you submit should be your own. Make use of the course resources and example code on the course website. It should be possible to complete all the requested tasks using information given below or somewhere on the course website.

#r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 5.0.2"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.5.0"
#r "nuget: Quotes.YahooFinance"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 3.*"
open System
open FSharp.Data
open Plotly.NET
open FSharp.Stats
open Quotes.YahooFinance

for testing.

#r "nuget: FsUnit.Xunit"
#r "nuget: xunit, 2.*"
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open FsUnitTyped

Load Data

We get the SPY ETF

type MonthlyReturn = { Date: DateTime; Return: float }
let spy = 
                         startDate = DateTime(2010,1,1), 
                         endDate = DateTime(2023, 2, 28),
                         interval = Monthly)
    |> List.sortBy (fun month -> month.Date)
    |> List.pairwise
    |> List.map (fun (m0, m1) -> 
        { Date = m1.Date
          Return = (m1.AdjustedClose - m0.AdjustedClose) / m0.AdjustedClose })

Load risk-free rate

// 4-week Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate
type DTB4WK = CsvProvider<"https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/fredgraph.csv?id=DTB4WK",
                           Schema="Date,RiskFreeRate (float)",

// We'll take the 4-week interest rate at the start of the month as the risk-free rate for that month.
// Then we'll put it in a dictionary for efficient lookup.
let rf =
    |> Seq.toList
    |> List.filter (fun x -> not (Double.IsNaN x.RiskFreeRate))
    |> List.groupBy (fun day -> day.DATE.Year, day.DATE.Month)
    |> List.map (fun (month, daysInMonth) ->
        let firstDay = 
            |> List.sortBy (fun day -> day.DATE)
            |> List.head
        let date = DateTime(firstDay.DATE.Year, firstDay.DATE.Month, 1)
        // discount basis assumes 30 days in a month, 360 days per year.
        let ret = (30.0 / 360.0) * firstDay.RiskFreeRate / 100.0 
        date, ret)
    |> dict

Look at an example, the index is date


Calculating excess returns of spy returns:

let excessSpy =
    [ for x in spy do 
        { Date = x.Date
          Return = x.Return - rf.[x.Date] } ]

As an example, I'll first calculate the standard deviation of the the excess returns of SPY and assign it to a value named stdDevExcessSpy.

let stdDevExcessSpy =
    |> stDevBy (fun x -> x.Return)

The following test will pass if I calculate it correctly.

// Test.
|> should (equalWithin 0.005) 0.04

The test following test will fail if I calculate it incorrectly. In this failing example I report an annualized standard deviation instead of a monthly standard deviation.

let stdDevFAIL =
    let monthlyStDev = 
        |> stDevBy (fun x -> x.Return)
    monthlyStDev * (sqrt 12.0)

// Test
if false then // make this `if true` to run the test.
    |> should (equalWithin 0.005) 0.04

Start of the assignment

Task: What is the cumulative return of SPY from the beginning to the end of the sample period? In other words, if you invest $1 in SPY at the beginning of the sample, how many additional dollars would you have by the end? Assign it to a value named cumulativeSpyReturn.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.1) 3.75

Task: What is the cumulative excess return of SPY from the beginning to the end of the sample period? Assign it to a value named cumulativeExcessSpyReturn.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.1) 3.3

Task: Plot the cumulative excess return of SPY from the beginning to the end of the sample period. The date should be the x-axis and the cumulative excess return should be the y-axis.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

Task: Calculate the standard deviation of the excessSPY monthly returns from 2010-01 to 2019-12 (inclusive). Assign it to a value named stdDev2010s.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.005) 0.035

Task: Calculate the average monthly excess returns of SPY from 2010-01 to 2019-12 (inclusive). Assign it to a value named mu2010s.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.005) 0.01

Task: If you are a mean-variance investor with a risk aversion parameter \(\gamma=3\), what is the optimal weight of SPY in your portfolio over the period 2010-1 to 2019-12? Use your \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) from the same period. Assign it to a value named optimalWeight2010s.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.1) 2.75

Task: Given that optimal weight in SPY for the 2010s, do you think the 2010s were a good decade to be invested in SPY? Why or why not? Explain using your estimate of the optimalWeight2010s as part of your justification.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

Task: The optimalWeight2010s is close to 2.75. Use a weight of 2.75 to invest in SPY excess returns from 2020-01 to the end of the sample (inclusive). What is the cumulative excess return of this portfolio? Assign it to a value named cumulativeExcessReturn2020s.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.05) 0.35

Task: Plot the cumulative excess return of an investment in SPY levered to 2.75 from the 2020-01 to the end of the sample. The date should be the x-axis and the cumulative excess return should be the y-axis.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

Task: If you are a mean-variance investor with a risk aversion parameter \(\gamma=3\), what is the optimal weight of SPY in your portfolio over the period 2020-1 to the end of the sample? Use \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) estimated from 2020-01 to the end of the sample to form your estimate. Assign it to a value named optimalWeight2020s.

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here

// Test
|> should (equalWithin 0.1) 0.7

Task: Why is the optimal weight from the 2010s so different from the 2020s? Be specific and justify your answer using the data. What do we learn from this?

Write your solution in the cell below.

// Solution here
namespace System
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
namespace FSharp.Stats
namespace Quotes
namespace Quotes.YahooFinance
namespace Xunit
namespace FsUnit
module Xunit from FsUnit
namespace FsUnitTyped
type MonthlyReturn = { Date: DateTime Return: float }
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type DateTime = new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> unit + 16 overloads member Add: value: TimeSpan -> DateTime member AddDays: value: float -> DateTime member AddHours: value: float -> DateTime member AddMicroseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMilliseconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddMinutes: value: float -> DateTime member AddMonths: months: int -> DateTime member AddSeconds: value: float -> DateTime member AddTicks: value: int64 -> DateTime ...
<summary>Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.</summary>

DateTime ()
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(ticks: int64, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(date: DateOnly, time: TimeOnly, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, kind: DateTimeKind) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
DateTime(year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, calendar: Globalization.Calendar) : DateTime
   (+0 other overloads)
Multiple items
val float: value: 'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = Double

type float<'Measure> = float
val spy: MonthlyReturn list
type YahooFinance = static member Dividends: symbols: string list * ?startDate: DateTime * ?endDate: DateTime * ?interval: Interval * ?displayLogs: bool -> Dividend list static member History: symbol: string * ?startDate: DateTime * ?endDate: DateTime * ?interval: Interval * ?displayLogs: bool -> Quote list + 1 overload static member Meta: symbols: string list * ?startDate: DateTime * ?endDate: DateTime * ?interval: Interval * ?displayLogs: bool -> Meta list
static member YahooFinance.History: symbols: string seq * ?startDate: DateTime * ?endDate: DateTime * ?interval: Interval * ?displayLogs: bool -> Quote list
static member YahooFinance.History: symbol: string * ?startDate: DateTime * ?endDate: DateTime * ?interval: Interval * ?displayLogs: bool -> Quote list
union case Interval.Monthly: Interval
Multiple items
module List from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure on list </summary>

module List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List = new: unit -> List static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list

type List<'T> = | op_Nil | op_ColonColon of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list interface IReadOnlyList<'T> interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> member GetReverseIndex: rank: int * offset: int -> int member GetSlice: startIndex: int option * endIndex: int option -> 'T list static member Cons: head: 'T * tail: 'T list -> 'T list member Head: 'T member IsEmpty: bool member Item: index: int -> 'T with get ...

new: unit -> List
val sortBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list (requires comparison)
val month: Quote
Quote.Date: DateTime
val pairwise: list: 'T list -> ('T * 'T) list
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
val m0: Quote
val m1: Quote
Quote.AdjustedClose: float
<summary> Split and dividend adjusted Close price </summary>
type DTB4WK = CsvProvider<...>
type CsvProvider
<summary>Typed representation of a CSV file.</summary> <param name='Sample'>Location of a CSV sample file or a string containing a sample CSV document.</param> <param name='Separators'>Column delimiter(s). Defaults to <c>,</c>.</param> <param name='InferRows'>Number of rows to use for inference. Defaults to <c>1000</c>. If this is zero, all rows are used.</param> <param name='Schema'>Optional column types, in a comma separated list. Valid types are <c>int</c>, <c>int64</c>, <c>bool</c>, <c>float</c>, <c>decimal</c>, <c>date</c>, <c>datetimeoffset</c>, <c>timespan</c>, <c>guid</c>, <c>string</c>, <c>int?</c>, <c>int64?</c>, <c>bool?</c>, <c>float?</c>, <c>decimal?</c>, <c>date?</c>, <c>datetimeoffset?</c>, <c>timespan?</c>, <c>guid?</c>, <c>int option</c>, <c>int64 option</c>, <c>bool option</c>, <c>float option</c>, <c>decimal option</c>, <c>date option</c>, <c>datetimeoffset option</c>, <c>timespan option</c>, <c>guid option</c> and <c>string option</c>. You can also specify a unit and the name of the column like this: <c>Name (type&lt;unit&gt;)</c>, or you can override only the name. If you don't want to specify all the columns, you can reference the columns by name like this: <c>ColumnName=type</c>.</param> <param name='HasHeaders'>Whether the sample contains the names of the columns as its first line.</param> <param name='IgnoreErrors'>Whether to ignore rows that have the wrong number of columns or which can't be parsed using the inferred or specified schema. Otherwise an exception is thrown when these rows are encountered.</param> <param name='SkipRows'>Skips the first n rows of the CSV file.</param> <param name='AssumeMissingValues'>When set to true, the type provider will assume all columns can have missing values, even if in the provided sample all values are present. Defaults to false.</param> <param name='PreferOptionals'>When set to true, inference will prefer to use the option type instead of nullable types, <c>double.NaN</c> or <c>""</c> for missing values. Defaults to false.</param> <param name='Quote'>The quotation mark (for surrounding values containing the delimiter). Defaults to <c>"</c>.</param> <param name='MissingValues'>The set of strings recognized as missing values specified as a comma-separated string (e.g., "NA,N/A"). Defaults to <c>NaN,NA,N/A,#N/A,:,-,TBA,TBD</c>.</param> <param name='CacheRows'>Whether the rows should be caches so they can be iterated multiple times. Defaults to true. Disable for large datasets.</param> <param name='Culture'>The culture used for parsing numbers and dates. Defaults to the invariant culture.</param> <param name='Encoding'>The encoding used to read the sample. You can specify either the character set name or the codepage number. Defaults to UTF8 for files, and to ISO-8859-1 the for HTTP requests, unless <c>charset</c> is specified in the <c>Content-Type</c> response header.</param> <param name='ResolutionFolder'>A directory that is used when resolving relative file references (at design time and in hosted execution).</param> <param name='EmbeddedResource'>When specified, the type provider first attempts to load the sample from the specified resource (e.g. 'MyCompany.MyAssembly, resource_name.csv'). This is useful when exposing types generated by the type provider.</param>
val rf: Collections.Generic.IDictionary<DateTime,float>
CsvProvider<...>.GetSample() : CsvProvider<...>
Multiple items
module Seq from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure </summary>

module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Seq = new: unit -> Seq static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float seq

new: unit -> Seq
val toList: source: 'T seq -> 'T list
val filter: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> list: 'T list -> 'T list
val x: CsvProvider<...>.Row
[<Struct>] type Double = member CompareTo: value: float -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: float -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member GetTypeCode: unit -> TypeCode member ToString: unit -> string + 3 overloads member TryFormat: destination: Span<char> * charsWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> * ?provider: IFormatProvider -> bool + 1 overload static member (<) : left: float * right: float -> bool static member (<=) : left: float * right: float -> bool static member (<>) : left: float * right: float -> bool static member (=) : left: float * right: float -> bool ...
<summary>Represents a double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
Double.IsNaN(d: float) : bool
property CsvProvider<...>.Row.RiskFreeRate: float with get
val groupBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> list: 'T list -> ('Key * 'T list) list (requires equality)
val day: CsvProvider<...>.Row
property CsvProvider<...>.Row.DATE: DateTime with get
property DateTime.Year: int with get
<summary>Gets the year component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
<returns>The year, between 1 and 9999.</returns>
property DateTime.Month: int with get
<summary>Gets the month component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
<returns>The month component, expressed as a value between 1 and 12.</returns>
val month: int * int
val daysInMonth: CsvProvider<...>.Row list
val firstDay: CsvProvider<...>.Row
val head: list: 'T list -> 'T
val date: DateTime
val ret: float
val dict: keyValuePairs: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Collections.Generic.IDictionary<'Key,'Value> (requires equality)
val excessSpy: MonthlyReturn list
val x: MonthlyReturn
MonthlyReturn.Date: DateTime
MonthlyReturn.Return: float
val stdDevExcessSpy: float
val stDevBy: f: ('T -> 'a) -> items: 'T seq -> 'U (requires member (-) and member Zero and member DivideByInt and member (+) and member ( * ) and member (+) and member (/) and member Sqrt)
<summary> Computes the sample standard deviation </summary>
<param name="f">A function applied to transform each element of the sequence.</param>
<param name="items">The input sequence.</param>
<remarks>Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.</remarks>
<returns>standard deviation of a sample (Bessel's correction by N-1)</returns>
val should: f: ('a -> #NHamcrest.IMatcher<obj>) -> x: 'a -> actual: obj -> unit
val equalWithin: tolerance: obj -> expected: obj -> NHamcrest.Core.CustomMatcher<obj>
val stdDevFAIL: float
val monthlyStDev: float
val sqrt: value: 'T -> 'U (requires member Sqrt)
val cumulativeReturn: float
val mutable cr: float
val last: list: 'T list -> 'T
val cumulativeExcessReturn: float
val cumulativeExcessReturnPlot: GenericChart.GenericChart
val cr: float
type Chart = static member AnnotatedHeatmap: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * annotationText: #(string seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a5 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a5 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Area: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Bar: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member BoxPlot: [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxPoints: BoxPoints * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxMean: BoxMean * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Jitter: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?PointPos: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Outline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Notched: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NotchWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?QuartileMethod: QuartileMethod * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Bubble: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * sizes: int seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Candlestick: ``open`` : #IConvertible seq * high: #IConvertible seq * low: #IConvertible seq * close: #IConvertible seq * x: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a5 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a5 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?IncreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Increasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DecreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Decreasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Column: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Contour: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLineSmoothing: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLine: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursColoring: ContourColoring * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursOperation: ConstraintOperation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursType: ContourType * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowContourLabels: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLabelFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Contours: Contours * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NContours: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) static member Funnel: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Offset: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextInfo: TextInfo * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineStyle: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorFillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLine: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Connector: FunnelConnector * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?InsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) static member Heatmap: zData: #('a1 seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a4 * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a4 seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload ...
static member Chart.Line: xy: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Line: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'a2 * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'a2 seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.withTitle: title: Title -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withTitle: title: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleFont: Font -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withXAxisStyle: [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleText: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleFont: Font * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleStandoff: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Title: Title * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Color: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowSpikes: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeThickness: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowGrid: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GridColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Side: StyleParam.Side * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Domain: (float * float) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Position: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryArray: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BackgroundColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowBackground: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withYAxisStyle: [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleText: string * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleFont: Font * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TitleStandoff: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Title: Title * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Color: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowSpikes: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SpikeThickness: int * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowGrid: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GridColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLine: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZeroLineColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Side: StyleParam.Side * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Domain: (float * float) * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Position: float * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?CategoryArray: #IConvertible seq * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BackgroundColor: Color * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowBackground: bool * [<Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
module GenericChart from Plotly.NET
<summary> Module to represent a GenericChart </summary>
val toChartHTML: gChart: GenericChart.GenericChart -> string
<summary> Converts a GenericChart to it HTML representation. The div layer has a default size of 600 if not specified otherwise. </summary>
val stdDev2010s: float
val mu2010s: float
val averageBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U (requires member (+) and member DivideByInt and member Zero)
val optimalWeight2010s: float
val gamma: float
val cumulativeExcessReturn2020s: float
val ex2020s: MonthlyReturn list
val cumulativeExcessReturnPlot2020s: GenericChart.GenericChart
val mu2020s: float
val sigma2020s: float
val optimalWeight2020s: float

Type something to start searching.